
Get Started

Stilearn Admin 2.x was developed with the support PJAX (if you do not want to use it you can remove it). If you are not familiar pjax, please go to the Project Page to read the documentation.

You can activate pjax with element <a> whenever you want. Just need to add the attribute data-pjax="target-container" (Or try to define with Your own selector). target-container is the place where the target pjax will be loaded.

We also added support for animation.css on pjax page. Animation will be added to the target-container automatically after pjax (default is fadeInDown). You can use the animation that you like by adding the data-animatedpjax="animateInValue". Refer to demo below to see this in action.

Pjax with custom Animated Or try other Animated:

Script Execution

PJAX (after pjax complete) automatically Reload <script> that has a class .re-execute and remove old Re-execute Script(s). So You must manage your re-execute script(s) (if any) for custom usage.

Just add .re-execute to <script>, so PJAX read your script as a Re-execute Script. Very Easy!