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Working with search results

Once you've performed a search using Boox, you'll get an array of SearchResult objects. This section explains how to work with these results effectively.

Customizing search term highlighting

By default, Boox highlights search terms within the results using the <mark class="search-highlight"> tag. You can customize the HTML tags used for highlighting by setting the highlightTag option in the SearchOptions object:

const results = await'keyword', {
  // Use bold tags for highlighting
  highlightTag: ['<b>', '</b>']

Getting search context

The context method of the SearchResult object allows you to retrieve the context of a specific document attribute, highlighting the search terms:

for (const result of results) {
  // Get context of 'content' attribute with max length 100
  const context = result.context('content', 100)

  // Highlighted text with keywords

The context method takes two arguments:

  • key: The key of the document attribute to retrieve context for.
  • contextLength (optional): The maximum length of the returned context.

Keyword in context

Boox provides methods for retrieving keyword in context (KWIC) results:

You can use the kwic methods of the SearchResult object:

const kwicResults = result.kwic('content')

Both methods return an array of QueryContext objects, each containing the keywords and their corresponding text.

Search history

Boox keeps track of recent search queries. You can access the search history using the getSearchHistory method:

// Get up to 20 recent searches
const history = boox.getSearchHistory(20)

Boox also monitors popular search queries. You can retrieve the popular searches sorted by frequency using the getPopularSearches method:

// Get up to 15 popular searches
const popularSearches = boox.getPopularSearches(15)

Search suggestions

You can use the getSearchSuggestions method to generate search suggestions based on popular queries or previously searched terms:

const suggestions = boox.getSearchSuggestions('web', { threshold: 2 })

The getSearchSuggestions method takes two arguments:

  • queryPrefix: The prefix of the search query entered by the user.
  • options (optional): An object containing options for retrieving search suggestions (see the SearchSuggestionsOptions).


While Boox doesn't provide built-in filtering methods, you have full control over the results. You can implement your own filtering logic based on:

  • Document Attributes: Filter results based on values in the attributes property of each SearchResult. For example, filter products by price range or articles by publication date.
  • Relevance Score: Use the score property to filter out less relevant results. This is useful when you want to show only the most relevant matches.

Here's a simple example of filtering by an attribute:

const filteredResults = results.filter(
  result => result.attributes.category === 'electronics'


When dealing with large sets of search results, presenting them all at once can overwhelm users and impact performance. Boox offers a static method, paginateSearchResults, to easily divide your results into manageable pages:

const filteredResults = results.filter(
  result => result.attributes.category === 'electronics'

const paginatedResults = Boox.paginateSearchResults(filteredResults, 2, 10)

Let's break down the arguments:

  • results: The array of SearchResult objects returned by your call.
  • page: The desired page number (starting from 1). Here, we're requesting page 2.
  • resultsPerPage: The number of results to display on each page. Here, we're showing 10 results per page.

The paginateSearchResults method returns a SearchResultWithPagination object, which not only contains the results for the requested page but also helpful metadata:

  currentPage: 2,        // The current page number
  totalPages: 5,         // Total number of pages based on results and resultsPerPage
  totalResults: 48,      // Total number of search results
  results: [...],        // Array of SearchResult objects for the current page
  goTo: (index) => {...} // Function to navigate to other pages

The goTo function allows for easy navigation:

paginatedResults.goTo(3) // Go to page 3
paginatedResults.goTo('next') // Go to the next page
paginatedResults.goTo('first') // Go to the first page